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Peace... It's such a pseudo mixed feeling. For some it is complete solitude and to some it is being surrounded by the familiar sounds of the people that matter the most. To some it is listening to the prayer bells ringing distantly and to some it is writing and thinking about the mysteries of nature. Being able to ask questions that matter and for some being able to answer those questions. Being able to express their feelings and shouting out loud to the world and to some it is feeling empowered by the people who do it. The thing common to all is tranquility that one derives from it.

At this point of time... We are facing an immense crisis of all times. This will probably be the time we will all talk about after twenty years or so. We will then reminisce and remember the good things that we did. We will remember how dad tried his hand at cooking and surprisingly succeeded. We will remember how we spent days and hours without actually being in a rush. We will remember how we understood the value of the people around us... Our family and friends. We will remember and value our helpers and will endeavor to help them. We will remember the happiness of having and being good neighbours and the feeling of 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam' that is in our country.
We will remember how each life matters. We will remember how the politics fades away in the times of national crisis.
We will remember that as one nation we can do anything and yes, even become a superpower.

Banish the dark,
And dispel the grief,
Pray and let's spread some relief.

Be grateful for the shining sun,
And the water that runs,
Let us make hope our belief.

Hope to be together,
Hope to endeavor,
For in the end, we will emerge.

Emerge from our ashes,
And leave our past prejudices,
To become a single entity.

An entity where everyone is satisfied,
And no one is famished,
And tranquility is present in all. 


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