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Definition. What is it? Something that most kids struggle with mugging or is it something that defines those most kids. Is it something that expresses a lot of information in the least possible words or is it something that spreads the (mis)information about a topic, opinion and a person?
It is really strange that how the entire education system in our nation teaches us to define things. Quite literally, most of the marking scheme is based on how well a person can remember things as it is. Surely, the previous sentence is a glaring example of the defining mindset impressed upon us. We define a student’s learning capabilities as the remembering capabilities that he or she has. Certainly enough, we decided to quantify it in terms of marks. Again, marks achieved became the defining factor of the student’s academic excellence. However, the marks achieved by a student are still what one achieves by one’s own hard work and efforts. With the idea of learning, changing through the generations, it is high time that we agree that the importance of the marks achieved is also changing. With concept-based learning coming to the forefront, the marks achieved by students today are the closest we have gotten to quantifying academic excellence.
This is mostly the crux of any argument given by a class of people who switch on the television and indulge in drawing room discussions over things that are distant yet close to their hearts. The ironic thing being that while making passionate arguments on how they should change this mindset and become more liberal, the drawing room class goes on to discuss and flaunt their “defined” status as well cultured and civilized and belonging to that class.
The effect of this mindset is so rampant that every person feels the need to be defined as a member of the society, even more so of a certain religion, ideology, sect or a caste. It is human nature to feel the need to belong to a group and seek validation, but when this instinct turns into a full blown “holier than thou” approach, it becomes the time to rethink the definitions that define us.
Who are we? Are we communists or capitalists? Are we liberalists or radical thinkers? Are we stone pelters or are we candle marchers? Are we right wing or left wing? Do we belong to a particular caste or religion or sect?
Why do we need to define ourselves as either? Why can’t we belong in the middle? One comment can take no time for the billions of people to define us. Wearing short clothes, sure, you’re a slut. Wearing a lot of layers, sure, you’re a prude. Posting stuff about your culture and ideology, sure you’re a propagandist. Not posting stuff about your ideology, sure, you’re a coward. Taking too many selfies, sure, you’re a vain person. Not taking any selfies, sure, you’re a boring person.
The irony is that in an age where everyone claims to be analysts, something called reservations still exists, and not just exists but is more than ever before. In an age where we claim that humanity and what one does is more important, we have claims for special treatment because the caste or religion or sect or ideologies that a person belongs to.
If we claim that all citizens of India have the equality of status and of opportunities then why must the general category be denied a fair chance of securing admissions in their dream courses. Todays education system is riddled by reservations and quota. Sure, 73 years back, there was a dire need for securing social justice for the persecuted but it has been well over the earlier proposed 15 years of transition. Persecution still does happen in the rural areas, there’s no denying that, but that does not mean that the general category students must suffer.
Today, the reservations in medicine and other courses have crossed the 50% mark. Students belonging to the so-called upper class have to face stiff competition for the seats left after the quotas just because they were born into the aforesaid castes. They did not do anything or did not persecute anyone but they have to bear the brunt by losing out on a career making decisions and admissions even after having merit and marks for it.
Today the definition of a student or rather an aspirant has become not the merit or the caliber, but what caste one is born into or what religion or ideology does one follow. Fellow students define each other based on this. Politicians these days use these quotas to entice young voters and spread hatred among the people.
The question today is, how do we define ourselves. Do we define ourselves as supporters of this kind of politics or do we define ourselves as accepting the merit of a student? Helping the socially and economically backward class is important, but helping them by lowering the cut off marks for a course will only harm the professional environment of India and lead to further hatred rather than promoting equality. It is an injustice to those students who have earned their marks, but were born in a particular cast and hence had to lose out.
We must all think about how we define ourselves. No other definition today is more important than what you decide and ascertain for yourself.
So, how will we define ourselves?


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