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Letter #1: To blurry idols of the tweens

Dear Tris Prior,

It's been a long time since I have thought of you. I have to admit that you did blur out in the rush of life, but were never forgotten. I met you when I was 14. I have one question for you, why did you do what you did? As I ask this question, I realize I have the answer already. You did it for love. You died to save Caleb, your brother because even though he did deceive you, you loved him. You went running into the surveillance room and put the gun on your forehead for Tobias, because you loved him. You underwent the truth serum trial in the Candor headquarters and told the truth about Will’s death because you loved Cristina. You went across the wall and strived to find the truth , for Tori, for your family and most importantly, for your city. The most courageous act of yours was to change your faction to Dauntless which you did for yourself, for the love you had for yourself. You were true to yourself and did justice to yourself.

Character: Tris Prior | Divergent Amino

In this world of hate, you taught a naïve person like me that life is not a bed of roses. You taught me that you will break from time to time and will feel devastated. You will commit errors and will trip in your life, but the true dauntless is the one who gets up, brushes the dust and gravel off and keep going on. A true dauntless is not someone who behaves recklessly in life just be cool, but is a person who understands the risks and bravely faces them. Like Tobias said, bravery and kindness are not different. Maybe that is why you could do what you did, not without regrets, but you did what had to be done.
You taught me that we will all have a bag of regrets and guilt. That bag of misery will become heavier as we go. But we need to decide what do we want to do. We must all keep moving. That is the greatest lesson I could get from you.

Tris, you were wronged. You were caged into the shackles of being something you aren’t for a long time. You had to face the betrayal of Caleb. You had to watch your family and friends disappear one by one. You had to see the city you’ve known for your entire life crumble into ashes. You’ve had to take on a bigger responsibility at a very early stage. You were subjected to tests and simulations by Jeanine and her lackeys. Even after learning that your life had been a lie, you kept going on. Kept fighting and kept striving. Until you flew into the sky like the three ravens on your clavicle. 

Tris, you lived your life and made it meaningful. You had less time but you left your mark in the hearts of many readers like me. You have taught us that life will go on no matter what. Even after four years since we met, even after the fact that I have moved on to understanding Elizabeth Bennet in the true sense ,have traveled along with Robert Langdon on his adventures, seen the seven circles of hell with Dante, Spent time with the Little Prince on his planet watching his beloved rose, I will never forget you. I will never forget the impact you have had in all the reader's life. Even if I may have moved on from the world of Katniss's and Clary's, I will  never forget you and the things you've taught me.

Your's truly,
A now grown up admirer.


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