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Showing posts from April, 2020

Letter #1: To blurry idols of the tweens

Dear Tris Prior, It's been a long time since I have thought of you. I have to admit that you did blur out in the rush of life, but were never forgotten. I met you when I was 14. I have one question for you, why did you do what you did? As I ask this question, I realize I have the answer already. You did it for love. You died to save Caleb, your brother because even though he did deceive you, you loved him. You went running into the surveillance room and put the gun on your forehead for Tobias, because you loved him. You underwent the truth serum trial in the Candor headquarters and told the truth about Will’s death because you loved Cristina. You went across the wall and strived to find the truth , for Tori, for your family and most importantly, for your city. The most courageous act of yours was to change your faction to Dauntless which you did for yourself, for the love you had for yourself. You were true to yourself and did justice to yourself. In this world of

जीवन का सार

जीवन का सार। जिसकी कर रहे हो तलाश, जिसके लिए कह रहे हो "कि काश", वह है तुम्हारे पास, तुम्हारी रूह सबसे ख़ास। रूह है एक रेशमी धागा, जिसे ढूंढने हर कोई भागा, जिसका पता है अनजान, बसेरा है उसका जान। जान तो है ज्ञान का महासागर, नहीं है यह अहंकार की मिथ्या गागर, जहाँ रूह की निर्मल नदी मेंं द्वेष का पंक नहीं, सारा संसार है वही। यही है जीवन का सार, क्षीरसागर को करो पार, पापों को दो हार, यही है निर्मल, निश्छलता का अंतिम पुरस्कार।

The Double Tap Conundrum

The Double Tap Conundrum The entire millennial generation is hooked onto the social media. This is not bad or good either. It’s a personal choice. The need for social validation and being a pack goes back to the times when humans were hunting and staying in groups. Times changed drastically, we all started hunting for food using supermarkets and our arenas of food became the wonderfully decorated aisles and the sale boards. Our clothing issues changed from covering for protection to covering for self-confidence and happiness because who are we kidding, everyone feels confident when dressed properly and looking dapper. Our basic needs are still the same, with the addition of the internet and the accessories and additions that come along with it. Social validation is one of the most important catalysts of human development. If a person feels like the society like and confirms him or her…then that person feels satisfied in being. When a person, let’s say Jane, posts a p


Peace... It's such a pseudo mixed feeling. For some it is complete solitude and to some it is being surrounded by the familiar sounds of the people that matter the most. To some it is listening to the prayer bells ringing distantly and to some it is writing and thinking about the mysteries of nature. Being able to ask questions that matter and for some being able to answer those questions. Being able to express their feelings and shouting out loud to the world and to some it is feeling empowered by the people who do it. The thing common to all is tranquility that one derives from it. At this point of time... We are facing an immense crisis of all times. This will probably be the time we will all talk about after twenty years or so. We will then reminisce and remember the good things that we did. We will remember how dad tried his hand at cooking and surprisingly succeeded. We will remember how we spent days and hours without actually being in a rush. We will remember how we under


Defined. Definition. What is it? Something that most kids struggle with mugging or is it something that defines those most kids. Is it something that expresses a lot of information in the least possible words or is it something that spreads the (mis ) information about a topic, opinion and a person? It is really strange that how the entire education system in our nation teaches us to define things. Quite literally, most of the marking scheme is based on how well a person can remember things as it is. Surely, the previous sentence is a glaring example of the defining mindset impressed upon us. We define a student’s learning capabilities as the remembering capabilities that he or she has. Certainly enough, we decided to quantify it in terms of marks. Again, marks achieved became the defining factor of the student’s academic excellence. However, the marks achieved by a student are still what one achieves by one’s own hard work and efforts. With the idea of learning, changing thro