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Chaos is the only constant in any person’s life. Each person whom you might cross paths with has some or the other mess going on for them. Some, get worried about the messy bedroom that they would be going home to after rushing out of the house like a bullet train, some agonize about the chaos that might ensue in workplaces if they do not reach on time while some are pretty occupied with the chaos in their relationships with people or some are just plain worried about how they would garner the motivation to clean their desk.

We all wish that our lives would go as we plan. Be it planning out the day and hoping that you wouldn’t run late to your morning lectures, or to wishing that you could not get stained by your morning dose of caffeine as you try to multitask effortlessly. But it hardly happens that way. We are surrounded by randomness not only in the material world but also in the emotional world.

Many of us would agree that the randomness by which we make connections with people around us is unparalleled. We make friends with the most unsuspecting of people. Sometimes, the sheer randomness of us meeting the person is dumbfounding to us and we praise or blame destiny for getting us in affairs with that specific person.

That realization leads to a thought that is everything in our life as random as the game of dice or is there a special meaning to everything that happens to us. We have heard a lot of times from our families, friends that everything happens for a reason, that there is a Big Plan for every single creature on this planet. Shakespeare himself stated, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”.

When we look back at our lives in retrospect, we see that each person in our lives had a specific role in shaping us into what we are today. Be it our parents from whom we gain our primary teachings of human behavior and values or the rather strict history teacher who insisted on clean and neat writing in her assignment that led you to develop a penchant for neat and perfect work. We learn a lot from our past dalliances about ourselves and each new person that we might encounter shows us a new side of ourselves.

So, this experience leads us to the big question, “Would my life be better today if I had done something else instead of what I did?” A lot of us indulge in questioning our choices as we make them and after we have made them. We don’t know whether to blame it on destiny and hope that something good would eventually come out of it or to blame it on the randomness in life and accept that we cannot do anything about it.

Either of these approaches can only lead to increasing the chaos that is present in our minds. The convoluted mesh of thoughts and ideas can only disentangle if we actively accept the reason for our lives being the way they are is Us. We are the makers of our lives and have been present in each step of our lives. Let us accept ourselves the way we are, chaotic or not. With the wish that the only chaos in the reader’s life becomes whether to order a chocolate cake or a blueberry cheesecake, I take your leave today.


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