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Showing posts from December, 2020


LIVING HELL   The state of my life right now, having all the time in the world to relax, is the exact representation of ‘living hell’, the way a nice buttered up croissant is ‘living hell’ for a hypertensive patient, but extremely attractive to a normal person. “Oh! The grass is always greener on the other side.”, is one of the constant lines by almost all motivational speakers and every random person under the sun who claims to understand us. Utter nonsense. My mind when in a conundrum                 To understand my conundrum, let us delve deeper into ‘heaven, hell and living’ .  The topography of hell                                                        Hell, Pluto, many are its names but the meaning is the same. When we imagine the darker side, all of us have similar visions, yet different. Landscapes of barren war-ravaged lands, the thick, suffocating, smoky, air all around, still, with no wind whatsoever. No signs of life even in the forms of trees, or some shrubbery. The m