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Showing posts from September, 2020

Punica Rubies

The red rubies that glitter, After breaking the fruit open, they skitter, Each as exquisite as a pashmina shawl, Enjoyed with the lip’s languorous drawl. Each ruby a world of its own, Holding the promise of a tree fully grown, Promise of heavenly bliss, Which can be experienced till the last kiss. Kiss which turns the lips red, But once they are fed, Chains of desire become bold, Just like Persephone in Hades’ hold. Enamor one they will, Attract towards the netherworld till Just seven seeds are consumed, Enough for the dye to be dissolved. Dye of want so deep, Dark and luring one to sleep, Its siren song piercing through the sleepy daze, Blood red juice dripping through the midnight haze.

Memoir of a nightmare.

Not much separates you and me, A thin curtain flowing in between, Fighting for long we have been.   I see your silhouette, Acing the misleading, “I’m fine”, Hiding your bruises in shouts of mine.   At midnight, you see my shadow, While wiping the cold sweat off your brow, As I express the pain, on behalf of you.   I follow you in your darkest dreams, While you hide my gifts, the dark circles, Artfully with your concealing creams.   As the sun rises, In my arms, you push your worries, As you go about enjoying life’s cherries.   Once again, I recede behind the flowing curtain, Accepting that my suffocation is certain, Until the next midnight when I find you alone.   You want to banish me with a pill, But return I will, Until you become civil.   Civil with your troubles, Till you don’t hide me in the shambles Of your mind while you play life’s next gambles.